Graduation Requirements
Portfolio Requirements
Integral to BACS's graduation requirements is a rigorous portfolio system for all students. Portfolios are compilations of specific student work that comes from both coursework and outside experiences, such as a job shadow or a service learning project. The portfolio is an opportunity for students to demonstrate how much they've learned during their school year as well as how much they've grown. This work should incorporate an understanding of the school's Habits of Mind as well as proficiency in a variety of skills. Portfolios are presented by the students each year and are assessed by a panel that typically includes the advisor, another teacher, and an administrator or outside coach.
Credit Requirements
The table below shows the courses required of BACS students and is typical of what most four-year colleges require for admission. The coursework is also in compliance with Common Core standards. In addition to demonstrating mastery in the coursework below, students must also successfully complete three portfolios and a senior project in order to graduate.
90% of graduating seniors choose to go to a two- or four-year college or university.
Download the NGLC report to learn more about how Blackstone prepares you for life after high school.
Useful Tools
Download these useful apps:
Gmail app for iOS (to keep school mail separate)
Meet Your Teachers