Our Mission & Educational Philosophy

The mission of Blackstone Academy Charter School is to build a strong community of learners and leaders. Our small educational environment helps foster independent inquiry, teamwork, and communication. Our students develop the skills to solve problems and use their voices in ways that lead to success in the academic, social, and professional arenas. Students demonstrate their achievements through a process of discovery, presentation, and reflection.
Community involvement and community improvement are key themes at BACS. In addition to classes, our portfolio system structures the progression of their learning by having students study themselves and their relationships to others, move forward with an exploration of the local community, and ultimately integrate an understanding of the wider world as students become responsible, motivated, life-long learners.
Educational Philosophy
BACS honors and integrates The Common Principles of the Coalition of Essential Schools* into its educational philosophy. These include:
Learning to use one's mind well
Less is more, depth over coverage
Goals apply to all students
Student-as-worker, teacher-as-coach
Demonstration of mastery
A tone of decency and trust
Commitment to the entire school
Resources dedicated to teaching and learning
Using principles of democracy and equity in all decision making at the school.
*Adapted from the Coalition of Essential Schools website
BACS faculty utilize these Common Principles when they design and execute the curriculum. Although classes include traditional tests, learning is also assessed through presentations and exhibitions of student work. In addition to classes, students complete three portfolios and a major senior project. These portfolios require reflection upon our 13 Habits of Mind, are presented to a panel, and are an important part of our proficiency based graduation system.